When it comes to content, either the original creators can step up and make their content pay them, or large corporations will continue to make money off of work that they didn’t manifest. No matter how free the situation may seem, we live in a capitalistic society and someone is always getting to the gold at the end of your rainbow. You don’t have to be involved with an industry to understand its business model. A pimp is an individual who makes the plans, gives orders, and makes money while others do the dirty work. When it comes to pimping your content, which can be anything that you converted from an idea to reality, you are positioning your work to attract buyers and bring home the money while you keep your creative hands clean.In this edition we cover:★Branding and Marketing★SEO Optimization★Algorithym Changes★The Future of Search Engines★Passive Income★Advertising Strategies★The importance of content★Leveling Up★How to Use Social Media at A Brand★How To Think Outside The Box and Create Revenue Streams