Get on Board: Earning Your Ticket toa Corporate Board Seatis a practical beginner's guide for anyone considering becoming a director,from young professionals seeking corporate board service in the distant futureto seasoned professionals contemplating an imminent career change. Directors, chairpersons, executives,recruiters, and other professionals who assist corporate boards all agree thatbecoming a corporate director is a journey. The process may take one to fiveyears and involves a lot of learning, networking, and strategic positioning. Inother words, just like everything worth pursuing, it involves a lot of hardwork! Yes, there are occasional glimpses of luck, but there are no magical moments,invisible hands, or other miracles. Get on Board: Earning Your Ticket toa Corporate Board Seat is apractical beginner's guide for anyone considering becoming a director, fromyoung professionals seeking corporate board service in the distant future toseasoned professionals contemplating an imminent career change. This bookdemystifies the process, breaks down the steps, and answers the most commonquestions about corporate board service. It also provides examples ofsuccessful corporate director biographies and resumes. Finally, it sharesactionable strategies and worksheets to help identify your unique valueproposition, elevate your profile, and refine your networking strategy. You canuse all of this information to start your corporate board journey today. Afterreading this book, you will be convinced that corporate board service is withinyour reach-and will be ready to pursue it actively!